Thursday, September 27, 2012

Opening the Box...BB Unicorn!!!

                                                  There aren't many of the BB kits that i'm really interested in but when i opened the box to the BB version of Unicorn i thought...why not? the kit can be made into either the normal unicorn or the destroy mode which is nice and the clear pink pieces are rather large and stand out a lot more so than i thought they would. so heres what comes in the box...
                                            A super bright box top cover for this one.
                               Instruction manual with a cover example of Unicorn and Unicorn (destroy mode)
                           Was only two bags in this box and like most BB kits he will be a quick build. it will be fun to see how he turns out once i'm finished.
                                                           KEEP BUILDING!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Opening the Box....HG 1/144 Legend!!!

                                               When i first started building i bought a hg 1/144 providence because i really liked the design of the suit.  then i became even more interested in legend because i started really watching destiny so i decided to pick up the HG 1/144 that was at robogato a few months back and try my hand at brush painting a kit. i wasnt really looking to try to hard i just wanted to clip, prime and start dry brushing just to get an idea of what it might take to really hand detail a kit. enough rambling about painting here is what came in the HG 1/144 Legend's box....

                            Box top cover is an awesome space shot of legend
                        Instruction manual with some nice example pics and a few scene shots.
                       He was only two bags but looking in the instuction manual real quick he looks pretty detailed and packing everything and the kitchen sink so two bags may be a bit deceiving.

                                two pics of the wip on legend. base coated all black and dry brushed with citadel acrylics. three different blues on the armor plates and an a bit of white for highlite lines. the eyes were fun. two shades of green and a tiny but of white around the outside edges. seeing as how quickly i did this its basically a rough draft of things to come.....
                               he's a bit dusty seeing as i havent worked on him in three weeks. I didnt even bother really cleaning him up to well after clipping him out. i was really eager to just get a visual idea of what it would look like dry brush painting a kit so it was pretty rushed. i would say this was all done in two fourty five minutes sessions and one two hour session where i didnt paint....i was walking rodney through hand painting some stuff most of the time.
                           the eyes were really fun. i liked trying to match the green of the stickers but make it a little more unique. in person you can see the glare from the points of the left sides of the eyes.

                                           finished pics soon!!

                                           KEEP BUILDING!!!


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Opening the Box...HG 1/100 Destiny!!!

                                                       Being a huge gundam seed destiny fan i had to pick up the hg 1/100 destiny that was in stock at robogato some time ago. i wanted to base paint it so the hg 1/100 was perfect seeing as i have had a lot of experience painting gamesworkshop warhammer models but no so much with bandai's gundams so i've only done a few. so with that said heres what came in the box of the HG 1/100 Destiny...
                          Box top cover is a really nice mobile suit and pilot pic of destiny and shinn asuka.
                       Instruction manual with some nice example pics of the kit and series scenes.
                 seven bags (if i counted correctly) come in the box. theres also a clear pilot card included.
seeing as this was some time ago i started the kit already and am through most of the first half.......
                                    redone in white, grey and some double coat i found called lagoon. should turn out pretty different looking which is what i wanted, a straight build look in different colors.

                                            should have pics up soon of the finished kit.
                                                            KEEP BUILDING!!!!

Opening the Box.....HG 1/144 Quanta!!!

                                      After buying the bb Quanta i had to go out and get the HG 1/144. I think i now have every main mobile suit in HG from the 00-Gundam series.....i need to get the time to get all the pics i've gathered posted. After buying this kit i had started to put the stand together and then had an "oh crap i didnt take pics again!!" moment. so heres the box and its contents to the 00-quanta mobile suit from the 00 movie awakening of the trailbazer.
                                            Box cover is a super clean illustration of Quanta.
                                       Instruction manual with quite a few nice pic examples of the suit.
                                             Four bags makes for a fun build and an easy paint if you're going to customize the kit.
                                        The clear green sparkle stand that comes with the kit.
                                        Should be a fun night of building this kit. once i'm finished i'll post pics of the bb, hg and mg quanta all together. Thanks again Robogato!!!

                                                              KEEP BUILDING!!!


Thanks to all my friends!!!!

                                     yesterday was my birthday and anyone who knows me knows I dont like making a big deal or even really acknowledge it but this year was a little different. i must be a pretty lucky bastard seeing as my friends made a big deal about it for me and i'm really glad they did. i really wanna thank ricky at robogato for being an awesome person from the start and helping out and hooking up myself and my friends. I'm really glad rodney introduced me to ricky and i found some people interested in things i am. I especially have to thank justin, alma, rodney, joey, rose, robert and suzie for being good friends and making a grumpy old man feel a lot better on his birthday!!

                              Super swag from Justin, Rodney and Ricky!!!

                                    THANKS YOU GUYS!!!!!!
                      All in all i'm pretty happy this year....hopefully thats a good sign!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Opening the Box...HG 1/144 Clear Gundam Exia Repair 2 & 0 Gundam(Type A.C.D)

                            After looking around on a few sites I was really becoming interested in seeing a clear kit in person. I had seen a few single kits for sale different places but nothing really caught my eye in terms of really wanting to build the kit and being interested in the mobile suit itself. A few weeks ago I found someone selling this Gundam Exia Repair 2 & 0 Gundam(Type A.C.D) Clear Version kit for a really good price so it became a couldnt pass this up situation and finally here it first clear kit.

                                                               Its a rather large box maybe the width of a MG 00 kit box but thin like a HG box . The top cover is an amazing picture from the last battle scene in the 00-Gundam series.
                                   The two instruction manuals for both the Exia Repair and 0-Gundam kit.
                                             Four packed bags of sprues to work with in building both kits.One really cool thing about this is that both kits come with a few extra parts. An extra clear GN drive, extra leg and arm parts for Exia Repair which if you dont use or switch out in this kit can be used for other kits. I have a normal HG Exia Repair 2 and a few of these clear parts will really make him stand out. Another plus is that all the non colored clear parts glow in even the weakest blacklight. Should be really fun to see how these two look together on black stands glowing in the dark.

                                      KEEP BUILDING!!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Opening the Box....Mega 1/48 Zaku 2!!!

                           A few months ago Justin said he wanted to see what the mega 1/48 scale kits were like so I put in an order at Robogato for a Zaku 2. After completely forgeting all about it coming it ended up arriving to my (lack of a good memory having) surprise. So we went and picked it up and couldnt wait even a half an hour before we started snapping pieces out of the sprues. I almost forgot to take the box pics.
                                                         The giant box cover of the Mega Zaku2
                                                  Instruction manual and a great kit example issue of Hobby Japan.
                                                             Thirteen bags of sprues which require no real clipping. The pieces can all be snapped out by hand. You can even attach corresponding pieces while still on the sprues and snap them off in whole put together pieces.
                                                  This copy of Hobby Japan has some really awesome examples of what can be done with this kit and some creativity.
                                            This diorama for example is amazing. The little guy on the cliff is a nice added touch.
                                           After all that excitement and so many kits even the cat was feeling a little wiped out. Should get some pics up soon of the finished kit.

                                                               Thanks again Robogato!!!

Opening the Box...MG 00-Seven Sword

Joey recently picked up the MG 00-Gundam Seven Sword kit he ordered from Robogato. So lets see what all came in the box.......
                                                      Box top cover is really nice with an almost green glow much like the 00-Raiser box.
                                              Instruction manual with some nice pics inside and great examples of weapon options.
                                                  Twelve bags total makes this seem like its gonna be a pretty big build. Joey should have a good time with this. Hopefully I will get pics soon when he's all done.

Opening the Box....MG Strike Noir!!!

                                                I am a huge fan of the Strike Noir kits. The designs are awesome and over all its one of the more stealthy sleek mobile suits in my opinion. The HG 1/144 Strike Noir I built a few months made me really want to MG version. Seeing as I bought the kit and then immediately had a whole schedule change and no time to really do anything I'm glad this one was the next post to make and the next kit to build on the "To Do" shelf along with all the other projects that need starting on.

                                      Now for what comes in the MG Strike Noirs box.....
                                                 Probably my favorite box top cover so far.
                                                       Instruction manual
                                If i counted right it was nine bags total so this should be a good build. Major joints come with screws which is cool cause flimsy kits suck on a straight build.

                                                         Can't wait to start this one!

                                                           KEEP BUILDING!!!!!!