Monday, July 16, 2012


                           I was gonna do the whole opening the box post with this kit but I picked him up before work and just couldn't wait so I started snapping him together on a dead day at the bakery.
                                                      The box the kit comes in with an awesome caricature illustration of Quanta.
                                                       The kit itself just after I had finished it at work. I really like that he came with a stand especially after I purchased a MG Quanta around the same time and found out it comes with a HG 1/144 stand and not a 1/100 stand which i thought to be a bit strange. This stand and the one that comes with HG 1/144 Quanta both match really well and fit the model itself perfectly.

              Thanks again ROBOGATO!!!

              KEEP BUILDING!!!!!!!

Opening the Box...1/100 HG Tallgeese

                                          A while back I picked up this 1/100 Tallgeese for Joey since he had a MG Heavyarms already and wanted to see what the HG 1/100's were like. Here's what was in the box.
                                       Box top cover showing a nice pic of the Tallgeese and Pilot Zechs Marquise .
                                               An awesome Zechs Marquise pilot figure is included.
                                                     Five bags total and the manual. Joey should have a good time building this kit. Its a nice addition to any gundam collection espcially if you're a Wing fan.

Justin's WIP 40k BAD MOON ORKS!!!

Justin has been working on his Ork army for some time now. With a rather large army to hand paint he has a lot of work ahead of him.

                                                      Bad Moonz Ork tribe with the bright yellows and very loud characteristics are a pretty big project to take on. Usually you would base coat in black but Justin decided to use a flat white to make sure and keep the yellow really bright and allow the green wash on the skin to completely outline any and all muscle features on each figure.
                                           His Battlewagon is coming along really nicely.

                                        Some closer details on the launcher up top.
                                  Inner details of the riders ready for side fire.
                            So far Justin has had a really good time working on this Ork army and hopefully they will hit the table soon amd see some action. More pics on this project soon!!!

                           KEEP BUILDING!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Opening the Box.....1/144 AGE Zeydra!!!

                                                           This kit is one of my three favorite in the Gundam AGE series. From the colors to the sleek design, Zeydra stands out. After picking up the kit I took these pics and then immediately put it all together before I could post anything on it. Like a little kid I couldnt before I end up putting up pics of the finished kit, heres what comes in the box.
Box top cover is a really nice image of Zeydra in action.
                                           Manual and three bags of sprues. When I first opened the box I was surprised at how bright the colors of this kit actually are.
                                                              Manual has a few really nice examples pics of the Zeydra kit itself and background info, mainly in japanese of course. I suggest to any Gundam AGE fan.....go pick up this kit for yourself. Its well worth it!

Thanks again to RoboGato!!!