Monday, July 16, 2012

Justin's WIP 40k BAD MOON ORKS!!!

Justin has been working on his Ork army for some time now. With a rather large army to hand paint he has a lot of work ahead of him.

                                                      Bad Moonz Ork tribe with the bright yellows and very loud characteristics are a pretty big project to take on. Usually you would base coat in black but Justin decided to use a flat white to make sure and keep the yellow really bright and allow the green wash on the skin to completely outline any and all muscle features on each figure.
                                           His Battlewagon is coming along really nicely.

                                        Some closer details on the launcher up top.
                                  Inner details of the riders ready for side fire.
                            So far Justin has had a really good time working on this Ork army and hopefully they will hit the table soon amd see some action. More pics on this project soon!!!

                           KEEP BUILDING!!!!!!!

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