Tuesday, April 24, 2012

New Necron Warhammer 40K Releases for May 5th!!!!

                             With the new Necron Codex released a few months ago everyone was scrambling to get all the new model kits and to try and create conversions and kit bash pieces to make the characters and pieces that dont have a model yet released to represent them.

Well as of May 5th the wait is over. The Necron second wave will be in your local store and on GW. Heres a sneak peek from the upcoming WhiteDwarf.

                         Canoptek Spyders which give birth to scarabs....which is awesome!!! The kit looks very matrix sentinel which is cool with me.
                                        Triarch Stalker elite choice. I made a kit bashed conversion of this which came out pretty damn close. These are super usefull especially when focusing much of your fire power on one tough enemy seeing as everything and anything shooting at the same target after the Stalker  count as twin linked.
                                          Last but certainly not least are the Canoptek Wraiths fast attack choice. In the old codex everyone always played a good amount of wraiths on the board. With these back in rotation my (among other peoples) armies are gonna get a good quick boost of nasty limb ripping power.

                                         Pick up your new 40K Necron kits on May 5th at SunCityGames in El Paso Texas or your own local Warhammer retailer.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Opening the box....RG Freedom Gundam

Justin was really excited to pick this RG Freedom up a few days ago seeing as they are fairly new and they are a really entertaining build.

Box top is super clean with a bit of a different more solid picture design across the top.

                          Manual which is has a lot of nice kit examples and the Gundam Seed HD Remaster Project Preview which have almost all come out by now.

At first i was thinking RG's cant be that much different than HG's based on the size and what could fit into a kit that size BUT i thought wrong. After opening the box both Justin and I were pretty shocked at how much more there is in the kit and how intricate these RG's really are.

Thanks again ROBOGATO!!!!


Opening the Box.......MG Deathscythe EndlessWaltz Ver.

MG Deathscythe EW version just came in a day or two ago and its gonna be a hell of a build.
                              Box top art is really clean as expected.
                                                      Lots of bags in this one. I think if i counted right it was ten bags total.
                                         Manual full of great examples, background art and step by step instructions on kit assembly.

Cans wait to start this one....though he's on the back burner due to so many projects being piled together. He's gonna be an awesome kit!!!


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Opening The Box...1/144 HG Unicorn Gundam (Destroy Mode)

                                            Just picked up a HG 1/144 Unicorn Gundam Destroy Mode the other day at RoboGato. Even though I haven't made it to the Unicorn series yet as far as the anime itself goes as soon as I looked at pics of the kit I had to get one. So here's all that comes in the Unicorns box........
                                Box top art is amazing as always, nice action shot with lots of color.
                                          Manual with a full standing view of the model itself.
                                       Color manual with easy to follow step by step assembly instructions and some nice example photos.
                               Four bags of sprues, seven sprues total including the one with all the clear pink parts.Theres also the one tab of decals with only four of five on it making that whole part of the kit really easy and leaves a lot of room for custom work if you see fit.
                               All in all I really like this kit straight from the box. I can't wait to start the build on Sunday!!

Purchase your own HG Unicorn Gundam(Destroy Mode) @ RoboGato 3006-B Lee Trevino in El Paso Texas.     WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/ROBOGATO


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Shoot with Rodney's Gunpla Collection!!!

                                        Rodney and I had been talking for a while about making him a backdrop for some photos of his Gunpla kits.After a few conversations and ideas thrown around I threw out the idea of a star box like the ones used for solar system dioramas. A half hour later and some lights set up and here you go........a few backdrop pics to show off Rodneys collection. Hopefully here in the near future we will get some more up with multiple backdrops and a couple other local Gunpla builders kits.
                            1/144 HG O-Gundam, blue lit from an LED illuminating mini's stand.
                 MG RX-178 MK2 Titan in red spot light.
                      MG RX-178 MK2 Titan in clear spot light
                         MG RX-178 MK2 Titan
                       MG RX-178 MK2 Titan close up.
                      1/144 HG GPO1
              MG RX-78, After seeing Rodneys i had to purchase my own.
                            MG RX-78
                      MG RX-78.......close up. Such a simple kit but so nice!!!

               The RX-78 Family.....BB-RX-78, 1/144 HG RX-78 and MG RX-78

                                        You can tell he's a fan of the original. We had some colored light beam pictures that came out rather dark, the next shoot we'll be working on those for sure........Thanks to Rodney for the help and thanks again to the guys at RoboGato in El Paso Texas for the hook ups!!


Until next time........KEEP BUILDING!!!

My Necron Triarch Stalker Conversion

                                As the new Necron codex came out everyone was kind of at odds with the units and characters that didnt have a model to represent them on the board. As with any new book or race everyone rushed to make conversions and customs of these pieces for their armies. Around this time i stumbled upon http://warhammerwithzail.blogspot.com/  a blog showing off conversions and giving tutorials. One of the best conversion tutorials ever was the one Zail put up on the Necron Triarch Stalker. After sending him pics of the one i made using his tutorial and talking a few times he didnt post for sometime and then put up a post titled "i am not dead" and never posted again.

Hopefully all is well with Zail and he comes back with more to teach us!!

Anyway....sorry for the ramble heres the Necron Triarch Stalker i made thanks to Zail.
                                         Model consists of a Necron Ghost Ark kit and some Green Putty.
                                         His first base coats are on. So funny how a model looks before you really get into painting it. Once I'm done with him and the new supposed release of the Necron second wave comes out I'll post some primed, coated and finished pics of mine compared to the Gamesworkshop version.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Preview of Justin's 40K Nurgle Tanks

             Hopefully I'll get some time soon to get some up close and detailed pics of all the stuff he's done but so far it's seemed to be a ton of stuff. Full putty conversions on whole squads of troops and terminators, a rather large demon prince and four fully customized tanks.....these are just a preview of two or three of his WIP tanks i snagged pics of in the last game.

                                     Can't wait to get more pics of them once they are all finished and out on the table.

Opening The Box.....Revoltech Yamaguchi 116 Edward Elric!!!

                 The Revoltech Yamaguchi 116 Edward Elric snap kit figurine Rodney picked up from RoboGato today is super nice and just had to get a few pics in. As far as details go they paid attention to every one of them with this box set.
                                        Packaging is super nice as far as unopen display or collecting goes but Rodney just couldnt resist it...........

                                          Theres three or four hand options that come with the figure and four facial exressions, each awesome in their own way. Every joint in the torso and limbs was snap postioning so they all locked into place fairly well.

                                         I liked the fact that you could pose him right outta the box with no real problems other than making sure your desk isn't as crooked as mine is. Sneak peek of his brother on the back of the box....can't wait for that box set!!

                              Over all a really nice piece and well worth the price whether you're a fan of the anime FullMetalAlchemist or just a figurine/miniature enthusiast. Pick yours up @ RoboGato, 3006-B Lee Trevino in El Paso Texas,

Opening the Box...MG RX-78-2 Gundam!!!

                                      RX-78-2, THE original. You have to know where things come from. What started what you're into. Now I've been all through Gundam Wing, GundamOO, Destiny , Stargazer BUT I've never seen the original Mobile Suit Gundam. So now I'm going back.....gonna start watching all the original series and see everything I've missed out on starting with this.......
                                          MG  RX-78

                                          Not many sprues to deal with. Should be a pretty easy but fun build.
                                       For some reason i always keep the boxes and manuals......my hoarding side.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Rodney's Kit Bashed Gundam Age Titus Conversion!!!!

                                                  Rodney came to me not to long ago asking about conversions with milliput.....mainly getting a couple kits to mount to another kit without any movement restrictions and without it being to delicate. He told me his idea about taking a black Age 1 Titus and putting a devil and an angel on each shoulder. I thought cool and then he showed me a pic of the inspiration which was Dizzy from Guilty Gear
Then I thought it would be a really cool idea just based on the fact that I love that game and pretty much every character in it. This was the end result which came out pretty damn nice.....
                                        All consisting of 1/144 HG kits.
                                          Three kits in all...A Titus, Wing Zero Custom, and Deathscythe Hell Custom.
                                          Rodney base coated the Titus's red plated flat black and lined everything from the faces to the wings on the angelon his shoulder.
                                         A little bit of putty, three kits and some details later and a very unique and inspiring model is created. Good job goes out to Rodney Harris, it was a fun build. You'll see more pics from this kit and others when the RoboGato Gundam Expo and kit contest pics go up in a day or so.......keep building!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Justin Smith's WIP Orks

                                                   About a month to a month and a half ago my roommate Justin asked if I wanted to go half on the Blackreach box set with him and I thought it would be cool seeing as its more models to work on and another range to play. Little did i know Justin was planning a full on Ork army and those in that box set were just a start.

                                                  Heres just a few pics of what he's been getting done so far. He wanted to go with a yellow for the Bad Moons tribe of Orks which is very bright shiny....a kind of show off and be proud of it paint scheme.

                                           With the base coat to get a nice vibrant yellow he used a flat white. In the case of the big Stompa below the flat white will make it way easy to get that yellow to look bright and nice and solid with no scuffs from the brush like maybe a black or primer grey may do.

                                         Battlewagon tires above and the wagon itself below....coming along nicely.

                                         Deff Dread still to be unboxed
                                         This is one of the two piles of Orks that he still needs to assembly line coat and highlight.