Monday, April 16, 2012

Rodney's Kit Bashed Gundam Age Titus Conversion!!!!

                                                  Rodney came to me not to long ago asking about conversions with milliput.....mainly getting a couple kits to mount to another kit without any movement restrictions and without it being to delicate. He told me his idea about taking a black Age 1 Titus and putting a devil and an angel on each shoulder. I thought cool and then he showed me a pic of the inspiration which was Dizzy from Guilty Gear
Then I thought it would be a really cool idea just based on the fact that I love that game and pretty much every character in it. This was the end result which came out pretty damn nice.....
                                        All consisting of 1/144 HG kits.
                                          Three kits in all...A Titus, Wing Zero Custom, and Deathscythe Hell Custom.
                                          Rodney base coated the Titus's red plated flat black and lined everything from the faces to the wings on the angelon his shoulder.
                                         A little bit of putty, three kits and some details later and a very unique and inspiring model is created. Good job goes out to Rodney Harris, it was a fun build. You'll see more pics from this kit and others when the RoboGato Gundam Expo and kit contest pics go up in a day or so.......keep building!!!

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