Sunday, April 15, 2012

Justin Smith's WIP Orks

                                                   About a month to a month and a half ago my roommate Justin asked if I wanted to go half on the Blackreach box set with him and I thought it would be cool seeing as its more models to work on and another range to play. Little did i know Justin was planning a full on Ork army and those in that box set were just a start.

                                                  Heres just a few pics of what he's been getting done so far. He wanted to go with a yellow for the Bad Moons tribe of Orks which is very bright shiny....a kind of show off and be proud of it paint scheme.

                                           With the base coat to get a nice vibrant yellow he used a flat white. In the case of the big Stompa below the flat white will make it way easy to get that yellow to look bright and nice and solid with no scuffs from the brush like maybe a black or primer grey may do.

                                         Battlewagon tires above and the wagon itself below....coming along nicely.

                                         Deff Dread still to be unboxed
                                         This is one of the two piles of Orks that he still needs to assembly line coat and highlight.

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