Saturday, April 14, 2012

My New Necrons

                                                        As far as Warhammer 40K goes I'm pretty much all about the bad guys. Be that any number of the Legions of Chaos, Necrons, Dark Eldar, Tyranids or even Orks I gravitate towards the guys who wanna take over the universe and could care less about the rest.
                                                       In the next few 40K posts I'm gonna go over my Necron shelf.Since the new codex I've been really into necrons new rules and new model kits. Cryptek Court conversions, HQ Special character conversions, the Triarch Stalker conversion i made months and months ago thats been floating around the internet, the Forgeworld Tombstalker chroming project and last but not least the Megalith conversion project. Hopefully i can get that done before Forgeworld craps out some crazy amazing ultra expensive supposedly gonna be a.......Megalith. Its gonna be a busy few weeks.

          First things first....Illuminar Szeras HQ kit bashed conversion.......
 he came out super sick and he's ready for a base coat.
 The Necron Shelf minus the Annihilation Barges, Immortals, Deathmarks, all my Arks and some conversions........
 which are in this stack of battlefoam that dont have their home yet(a case)......hopefully soon.
                                          Lord with Res Orb
                                           Destroyer Lord with Res Orb
                                           Cryptek conversion with Harp of Dissonance made from plasticard
                                           Trazyn The Infinite who is almost done actually.
                                          Orikan The Diviner (lord) conversion.....until they come out with the actual model.....if they ever come out with the actual model.
 Molding these Scarabs out of green putty was fun. Miliput super fine makes the best molds!!! Make your own pieces and small models and have fun with it. Dont look perfect at first but once they are painted and based up with sand to look as if they are emerging out of the sand, they look great!!!!
Imotekh the Stormlord (for shelf display, not play) I wanted an Imotekh that looked cool and I worked a lot on details and shading and some how simulated the Blood Swarm Scarabs. Puppetswar answered that call with their new Cyber Beetle Miniatures that look very Necron and fit the different discriptions of the blood swarms very well. Hopefully in the coming weeks I can get him all painted up and nice looking. Once I did the base coat I ran out of the paints I wanted to use when I used them other models and then became way busy and side tracked with other many projects at once and so little time!!!

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